We strive to nourish, heal, and uplift Queer and Trans Việt (QTViệt) narratives through ancestral practices, the arts, and intergenerational connections. These practices and rituals, art expressions, and intergenerational healing is more than what we do - we embody them because these are who we are and want to be. We create culture by healing from the hurt, nourishing our souls with purpose and meaning, and uplifting and centering our lives and those we love and love us.
What we've been able to build - all the projects, events, and ways in which we've moved as a hub - interweaves the three elements of how we do the cultural work that we do. Our ancestral practices continue on because our elders support and affirm the younger generations. Our art forward can't live without the honoring of our hystories and engagement with our elders. And our intergenerational connections attempt to align, clarify, restore hurt, and manifest love. These three elements are intended to interconnect with one another towards our path and vision for queer and trans liberation.
Our projects, events, and things we've done might lean towards more of one of these throughways, though may also include elements of the other two. We do our best here to describe our practices here.