In Vietnamese culture, food is a significant part of how families share recipes, history, and ancestral stories. Often times, Queer and Trans Vietnamese (QTViệt) communities are ostracized and shunned from this sacred kitchen. We strongly believe that the QTViệt community should be able to access food rituals and honor ancestral foodways. Below are several stories of our cook hub.
Our Journey: A Celebration of Our Roots
We learned how to make Bánh Tét Chay (Vegetarian Glutinous Rice Cake) with QTViệts, elders, and allies.
Produced and edited by SunKissed Productions.

Learn how to make Cơm Hến (Baby Clam w/ Rice), a dish from Central Vietnam, as taught by our elders.
Produced and edited by SunKissed Productions.
Cook Hub Menu from our 2018 Feast! A menu that sparks excitement and love.
Feast of Resistance Menu (2018)